Student Expectations
Our student expectations are known as the three Rs.
All of you should be aware of the expectations that we have of you. We have posters explaining the three Rs in every classroom and staff members reinforce these expectations daily.
Ready to Learn
- I will arrive for lessons/Personal Development on time.
- I will have the correct equipment for my lessons. (Black pen, red pen, pencil, ruler & calculator)
- I will be dressed in the correct uniform.
Respectful of others and the learning environment
- I will allow others to learn by speaking and listening at the right time.
- I will allow the teacher and other adults to help my class learn.
- I will use appropriate language when speaking.
Responsible for your actions
- I will prioritise my learning in each lesson above everything else.
- I will complete my class and homework to the best of my ability.
- I will follow the requests of teachers and other adults to follow simple, fair rules.
Outside of the Classroom
- I will move calmly, but quickly to my next lesson, following the one-way system where appropriate.
- I will respect the property of other students and the academy environment.
- I will return any plates and cutlery to the washing area in the canteen at lunchtime.
- I will ensure that I place any rubbish in the bins provided, both in the canteen and around the school.
- I will respond respectfully to all staff and promptly follow all requests to act in a safe, calm manner.
Outside of the Academy
- I will wear my uniform correctly and with pride.
- I will be polite and respectful to all members of the wider community and the local environment.
- I will act responsibly and safely at all times when I am travelling to and from school.