Student Council
Our Student Council is an inclusive, structured forum for discussion and decision-making. It allows all students a voice in improving our Academy. It is a democratic council, with a fair election process conducted at the start of the Autumn term each academic year.
What do the Student Council do?
The Student Council process gives you (that’s all students from all year groups) access to a number of different opportunities across the year including:
- Suggesting new ideas for rewards systems and trips;
- Ideas for the continuous improvement student well being;
- Delivering school campaigns;
- Giving feedback on attendance and providing ideas for rewarding and encouraging good attendance;
- Taking part in fundraising events;
- Supporting community events;
- Participating in the interview panels for senior staff appointments including Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteachers;
- Influencing and shaping the development of the school as a community;
- Delivering assemblies;
- Influencing the canteen menu
How does the Student Council work?
- Each tutor group elects two representatives.
- Tutor group representatives make up the Action Team. There are around 22 students per year group on the Action Team.
- The Action team meet and discuss things on Google Classroom. They fill in surveys and make their voices heard on there.
- From the Action Team, three representatives per year group are elected. These representatives become the Communications Team.
- The Communications Team meet every six weeks.
- From the Communications Team, two representatives are elected. They make up the Outcomes team.
- The Outcomes Team go to SLT meetings and present their feedback to the governors.
Members of the School Council have a responsibility to put forward the views of their Action Team. Rather than just presenting their own opinions, students are encouraged to develop as effective leaders. They make sure that the voice of all students is represented. The Council members also make sure that feedback from the meeting is passed back to their year and tutor groups.