Academies Trust
We are part of the Co-op Academies Trust, a group of academies united by the values underpinning the co-operative movement; self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
Our sponsors work with us to support the Academy in making key decisions and in improving standards for everyone. Representatives from the Co-op sit alongside parents/carers, staff and other members of our governing body.
What makes our Trust unique is that we are sponsored by the Co-op Group. That close relationship means that we benefit from all the business expertise that has seen the Co-op grow to one of the most respected, successful businesses in the country.
Popular with students, parents and teachers, the Trust began in 2010 with just two academies. One in Manchester and one in Stoke-on-Trent. Now, we have over 30 academies across the North West of England and welcome new Academies who fit with our vision fairly regularly.
The CEO of the Trust is Dr. Chris Tomlinson.
The address of the Trust is:
Registered office in England:
1 Angel Square
M60 0AG
Company registration number: 07747126
The Co-operative Group
The Co-op’s commitment to education is nothing new. When the co-operative movement started in the mid-nineteenth century, it provided education for members and their families. To this day, education is one of the underpinning principles of the movement globally.
The Co-op has a clear purpose of “championing a better way of doing business for you and your communities”. It is owned and governed by its members and membership is open to everyone who shares the Co-op values and principles.
We show these values by working together for everyone’s benefit, and playing a full part in the community. As an ethical leader, The Co-op exists not just to serve its communities but to help them live their best lives.
Co-op Academies Trust
We are part of Co-op Academies Trust, a group of academies united by the values underpinning the co-operative movement; self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.
Our sponsors work with us to support the Academy in making key decisions and in improving standards for everyone. Representatives from the Co-op sit alongside parents/carers, staff and other members of our governing body.
You can find out more about Co-op Academies Trust here.