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News and Letters

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  • Celebration Evening 2022

    Published 15/07/22

    On Tuesday 12th July, we held our first celebration evening, post Covid-19. Students and their families were welcomed to an evening of entertainment and praise for all of their hard work this year.

    Throughout this year, all of the students invited this evening really have achieved great things. They’ve done this through their incredible attitudes to learning, their aspirations to be the best they can and by their consistently high expectations of themselves throughout.

    The evening was full of performances by some of our vocalists, dancers and musicians, who brilliantly showcased their talents and skills.

    Well done to all the award winners and huge thanks to all the families, staff and governors who supported the event.


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  • The Newsletter – Summer​​​​​​​

    Published 14/07/22


    End of year update 

    It’s the end of another year at Co-op Academy Walkden. We’ve had our fair share of challenges along the way, not least the unusual weather conditions of the last few days, but we can reflect back on a really positive year overall. I want to congratulate all of our students on their achievements and I want to thank parents and carers for your continued support. 

    Start of the new term

    A reminder that the start of the new term is Tuesday 6th September for Year 7 only and for all other year groups it is Wednesday 7th September. We look forward to welcoming the whole school back on the 7th and for the first time we will have more than 1500 pupils. The changes we have implemented for September will really help to ensure that we operate smoothly and safely and whilst I know that it will take a little getting used to, the changes will be very positive in the long run. To support this we’ll be spending some time on the first days, familiarising students with the new routines.

    Start of the day and new student entrance

    With lessons starting at 8.30am each morning from September, good punctuality is crucial. We understand that traffic around the Academy and surrounding area can be a challenge, but ask that you factor this in when planning your child’s morning journey. To assist with this, we run a breakfast club from 8.00am each morning, accessed through the sports entrance.

    The timings of the school day are as follows:

    8.30am Period 1

    9.30am Period 2

    10.30am Break

    10.50am Period 3

    11.50am Period 4

    12.50pm Personal Development/Lunch (Split by Key Stage 3/4)

    1.50pm Period 5

    2.50pm Finish/Enrichment clubs

    Student entrances to the academy will be open between 8.20am-8.30am: please ensure that you leave time when dropping off your child for them to walk round to their entrance well before 8.30am. If they only arrive at the gate at 8.30am they will be late. The Year group entrances are:

    • Year 7 Discovery Front 
    • Year 8 Discovery Stairwell
    • Year 9 Creative Front
    • Year 10 Creative Stairwell
    • Year 11 Sports Corridor 

    Student entrances will close promptly at 8.30am each day. If any students arrive after 8.30am they must sign in at Student Services, accessing the building through the Sports Entrance around the rear of school, not through the main reception. They will also use the Sports Entrance if they need to sign out of school.

    Students arriving between 8.30am and 9.00am will be issued a late mark and given a note for their first lesson. Those without evidence of a medical/other appointment may be issued a Community Conduct lunchtime detention.

    We will follow Department of Education guidance, closing morning registers at 9.00am. Students arriving after 9.00am without a clearly evidenced explanation will therefore be registered as an unauthorised absence and issued a lunchtime detention: please be aware that repeated occurrences can lead to a penalty notice warning and fine for persistent poor punctuality. 

    Medical appointments should always be arranged outside of school hours where possible. We ask parents/carers to use Class Charts to inform the Academy of any medical appointments where a student needs to arrive late or leave early. A copy of texts received or appointment cards is needed to confirm their absence and allow authorisation on registers. 

    Water Safety

    I am sure you will be aware of the water safety messages we have been promoting with our students and via our social media feeds. At this time of year, we realise that some young people may be tempted to jump/swim in open water and sadly this has resulted in the tragic loss of a Salford teenager just last weekend in Salford Quays. Our hearts go out to his family and friends and together we must all do what we can to prevent another tragedy.

    We delivered assemblies to students last week and on Tuesday afternoon this week, we paused Period 5 for a few moments across the whole school to deliver a strong message to students, with information from the local Fire and Rescue team. I urge you to talk to your child about water safety whether you are staying at home or going away this summer, so that by raising awareness and encouraging young people to act safely we can reduce the chances of tragedies such as this being repeated.

    Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue have a website dedicated to the issue which can be found here:

    Thank you in advance for your support with this.

    ‘Kids Eat Free’ and Food Vouchers – Summer 2022

    There are a number of food outlets that will be offering the chance for children to either eat free or for £1 over the summer holidays.

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  • Summer Work Experience Opportunities

    Published 07/07/22

    Below you will find a range of posters offering different work experience opportunities that students can take advantage of. More details of the placements can be found by following the information on the poster. If you have any queries please email

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  • NHS Latest Guidance

    Published 04/07/22

    What to do if your child has symptoms:

    Your child should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if they have symptoms of COVID-19 and they either:

    • have a high temperature
    • do not feel well enough to go to school, college or childcare, or do their normal activities

    They can go back to school, college or childcare when they feel better or do not have a high temperature.

    If your child has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can go to school, college or childcare.

    Encourage your child to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, and to wash their hands after using or throwing away tissues.

    Most children who are unwell will recover in a few days with rest and plenty of fluids.

    For more information please visit the NHS website here

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  • Summer Culinary Bootcamp

    Published 29/06/22

    For further information please email:

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  • Community Event

    Published 16/06/22

    Please see the attached flyer regarding a Community Event we are hosting at the Little Hutlon Children’s centre, if you require more information or have any other general queries, please email us and we will be happy to help.

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  • The Newsletter – 27th May

    Published 20/04/22

    Key Dates

    1st July – Prom

    July 12th – Sports Day (14th July reserve date)

    Throughout June – Year 10 College trips

    Week 1 or 2

    W/C 6th June- Week 2

    W/C 13th June – Week 1

    W/C 20th June – Week 2

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  • The Newsletter – Easter

    Published 08/03/22

    Key Dates

    W/C 19th April – Year 11 Mocks

    25th April – Year 7 Dance Competition

    2nd May- Golden Ticket Week

    Week 1 or 2

    W/C 19th April- Week 2

    W/C 26th April- Week 1

    W/C 3rd May- Week 2


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  • The Newsletter – 18th February 2022​​​​​​​

    Published 10/02/22

    Key Dates

    Year 11 Mocks Continuation- 28th February

    Year 10 Photo Day – 7th March

    Golden Ticket Week – 14th March

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  • The Newsletter – 21st January 2022

    Published 21/01/22

    Key Dates

    31st January-11th February, Year 10 Assessment

    1st February – LGBTQ+ Awareness Month

    14th February-18th February, Year 11 Mock Assessments

    Week 1 or 2

    24th January – Week 1

    31st January – Week 2

    7th February – Week 1


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  • Remembrance Service 2021

    Published 15/11/21

    Last week, we commemorated Remembrance Day. This is an especially poignant day for the Combined Cadet Force students here at Walkden who took a lead in the service.

    Our Remembrance Service took place at the front of the Academy. Year 7 attended in person and the rest of the year groups had a live stream to their lessons. All staff and students stopped to honour the service men and women who have fought to give us the rights and freedoms that we enjoy today. We also remembered the serving members of the Armed Forces who continue to keep us safe and defend those privileges every day.

    The Combined Cadet Force started the service by performing a drill, showing the skills and discipline promoted by the Forces. Their marching, saluting and turns were well polished and practiced.

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  • The Newsletter – 17th December 2021

    Published 11/11/21

    Important Dates

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