Safeguarding, Mental Health & Wellbeing Newsletter
Welcome to our first safeguarding and well-being newsletter Spring Edition 2023. At Co-op Academy Walkden we firmly believe that safeguarding, mental health and well-being is more than ever a collective responsibility between the academy, students, parents and carers.
As an academy, we will be sharing a range of useful links and resources with our parents and carers on a termly basis.
The purpose of this newsletter is to share helpful safeguarding, mental health and well-being information, assistance and updates with you termly from now on. We appreciate that some of the content may be sensitive and at times may not be pleasant, however, our children are facing more issues of an increasingly serious nature by the day and we firmly believe that the more that we, collectively as educationalists and parents and carers, know and understand, the better we can protect those in our care.