We expect all students to wear uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.

Our policy regarding uniform is based upon the principle that it:
- promotes a sense of pride in the academy;
- promotes a sense of community and belonging towards the academy;
- is practical and smart;
- identifies the students with the academy;
- is fair and makes students feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance and reduces peer pressure to dress in ‘designer’ fashions;
- is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents/carers;
- can assist identification of strangers on school premises
All students are required to wear:
- Blazer with academy badge
- Academy year-coloured tie
- Either
- Black school trousers, worn with black socks (encouraged for all students)
- A pleated skirt, worn with plain black opaque tights, no less than 40 denier. Skirts must be worn close to the knee and not rolled at the waist.
- White school shirt with top-button fastened
- Flat plain black school shoes. Trainers of all descriptions are expressly forbidden.
- Academy embroidered jumper (optional)
For PE lessons, all students are required to wear:
- Academy PE top (t-shirt or polo shirt)
- Plain black shorts, plain black, full length tracksuit bottoms or plain black gym leggings
- Trainers
- Academy black hoody or team kits (optional).
We have updated our guidance on what tracksuit bottoms/leggings are and aren’t appropriate for students to wear for PE. Combat trouser-style joggers with thigh pockets are not acceptable to wear for PE.
A school bag should be functional rather than fashionable: it should have the capacity to hold A4 books, typical school equipment and PE kit. Bags do not have to be of a particular colour, though we discourage anything with obviously expensive designer branding, as this puts additional pressure on other parents to spend more than is necessary for such a basic school item. A backpack is an ideal style of bag because it is comfortable and has a large capacity. ‘Manbags’ and ‘handbags’ are forbidden as they are not fit for purpose. Below are some examples of suitable school bags.
Where to buy our uniform
The majority of uniform items can be bought at supermarkets or high-street shops. However, the academy blazer, tie and polo top can only be bought from our approved supplier.
Purchase P.E kit online Here
Or at our approved supplier store:
123-125 Chorley Road
Greater Manchester
M27 4AA
0161 794 1396
All of our donated, pre-loved unform is available from the organisation below.
Salford Step Into Action Shop & Community Hub
Linnyshaw Mill 290 Manchester Road
Greater Manchester
M28 3TR
0800 009 6605
Jewellery and Hair
We will ask students to remove make-up that we think is excessive, this includes false eyelashes.
Jewellery is limited to a single pair of plain gold or silver stud earrings only. Studs should not have a stone in them. Anything other than gold or silver studs will be confiscated if seen.
Hair should be worn in a simple, neat style of natural colour (no unnatural colours of combinations, e.g. blue, green etc.). Students should not have hair or eyebrow shavings or inappropriate headwear.