Arbor - Management Information Centre
Dear Parents/Carers,
Arbor - Management Information System
You may remember from the recent newsletter that we have introduced a new management information system called Arbor. The next step in the roll-out is to get all parents and carers logged into Arbor, so that we can eventually move all communications, timetables, attendance, homework, rewards and behaviour data onto this one platform. In the near future, you will no longer need either Classcharts or MyEd as everything will be in the one place, which I am sure we can all agree, will be a very positive step for everyone.
Actions for all parents and carers
Please visit Arbor at login.arbor and/or download the app from Google Play (Arbor) or the Apple App Store (Arbor). If you are downloading the app please enable push notifications.
Please log in to Arbor using the forgotten password routine and the email address that you use with us at school. If the email address matches with the one we have in school already, you will receive a password reset link via email, and once completed you will be asked to verify your account using your child's date of birth.
If you do not receive the reset password email please let us know your updated email address using the form sent via MyEd. Once we have updated your email address with us, then you should then be able to log in to Arbor. For those with pupils at different Arbor schools you will see Co-op Academy Walkden listed to be able to easily click between all of the pupils attached to your account.
You will be able to update any changes of address, phone numbers or email addresses directly through Arbor.
All legal guardians can and should create separate logins on Arbor.
We will gradually switch on the features that you will be able to see on Arbor and at a suitable point in the future, we will then switch off the other apps, so that everything is in one place.
Thank you in advance for supporting us with this transition. There is lots of support available on the Arbor website here.
Yours sincerely
Matt Hacker
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