British Values
We encourage our students’ academic success, but we know that is not the only part we have in shaping their future.
We also nurture our students pastorally and in wider thinking, preparing them for their adult life. Part of our role in that, is promoting British values with our students. British values underpin a modern, civilised society of which we can be proud.
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy. These values are:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
These values play a central role within Co-op Academy Walkden’s community.
We encourage Democracy within Co-op Academy Walkden, both through the promotion of our Co-op values and through our Student Council. Students have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our student council.
Students are involved in the recruitment of new staff members, giving them a say in the growth and shape of our community.
The Rule of Law
Students are taught the value and reasoning behind laws, and why they are important to govern and protect us. We also teach them about our social and self-responsibility to respect laws; be they those which govern the class, the academy or the country.
We use our own behaviour in the Academy as an example of how to respect each other and the rules. The 3Rs govern what we expect in and outside the classroom. These are simple rules which we expect students to follow.
Individual Liberty
We provide the support and a safe environment where pupils can start to make their own choices. We encourage students to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms. We offer a range of extra-curricular clubs and opportunities and students are given the freedom to make choices about what they want to do.
Mutual Respect
The Academy’s ethos and behaviour policy are built around the co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, equality, equity, democracy and solidarity. Students are part of discussions and assemblies relating to what these mean and how they manifest themselves. We display these values around the academy to promote respect for others, and this is strengthened through our classroom and learning rules, as well as our behaviour policy.
We run a debate society so that students can learn, through extracurricular activities, to develop a mutual respect for others opinions. This is also encouraged in lessons such as PSHE, English and PRE.
Throughout the year, we run various awareness campaigns, such as Black History Month, LGBT History Month and Anti-bullying week. These awareness campaigns promote mutual respect through education.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We give all students the opportunity to express their beliefs and faiths. We help students understand their place in a culturally diverse society, and the importance of accepting others. Co-op Academy Walkden is also involved with the Anne Frank Trust. Students undertake various activities and run assemblies to promote tolerance and acceptance of other faiths and beliefs.
Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying are supported by learning in PRE and PSHE. Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences with each other.
Anti-Extremism and Radicalisation
Extreme views can become something dangerous.
Anti-extremism charity, Educate Against Hate support the belief that “schools should be a safe space where students can discuss social and political issues, including extremism and terrorism”.
We discuss difficult topics with our students to build their resilience, which helps them to challenge extreme views. By giving them the skills to explore issues critically, with balanced arguments and evidence, our students can safely explore important topics. We also promote the fundamental British values we have outlined in the sections above.
We treat all safeguarding concerns with the same seriousness, and this includes extremism and radicalisation. If you have concerns that your child or anyone is being radicalised, please see our safeguarding page.