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Hive Curriculum

Find out what is taught in The Hive, and the knowledge and skills that students will gain.

The Hive Curriculum

In the Hive, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our students whatever their needs or abilities. Students in the Hive are typically working at a level three years below their age related expectations. 

All staff in the Hive actively seek to raise achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase curricular access for all. Students who are identified as needing something additional to the quality first teaching will complete targeted literacy, numeracy and speech and language intervention.

The Hive curriculum’s intention is to develop students’ confidence, independence and skills for life. We do this by implementing alternative accreditation and intervention in a specialist setting. Students in the Hive access a calm, happy and structured environment in which they feel secure and confident to develop their skills. 

Our curriculum is sequenced so that new information is assimilated into existing schemas and old schemas accommodate new ones to promote the growth of network knowledge.

Some things have to be learned before others so that older information can help consolidate sequential topics. For students with SEND, retention of prior knowledge is often difficult which often means old schemas and topics have to be revisited to ensure students have a secure understanding. 

In the Hive, we have developed a consistent lesson structure which embodies our commitment to retrieval, interleaving, modelling and growing student independence so that students can organise and store knowledge that is important to them.

At Key Stage 3, students follow differentiated mainstream plans as much as possible. The structure of the curriculum intends for students to feel included within the mainstream school and makes the transition to mainstream lessons as smooth as possible.The topics covered in Key Stage 3 are generative and continually assimilate new knowledge into prior learning. Students return to the Power Concepts in each year to demonstrate the interconnectedness of the Power Concepts and create schema. 

At Key Stage 4, students follow an alternative curriculum with the intention of preparing students for adulthood. The curriculum is tailored around the individual’s EHCP outcomes, ensuring that these are the forefront of priorities. Courses include Functional Skills Entry Level English and Maths, BTEC Pre-Vocational Entry Level 2 and Entry Level History and Geography

Our educational pedagogy is firmly rooted in the SEND Code of Practice. We ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on individual progress.

Curriculum Overviews

The Curriculum Overview provides information as to how the curriculum is sequenced to enable students to build their knowledge and skills towards ambitious endpoints in each subject area. Each terms’ learning is complemented by a knowledge organiser. 

Key Stage 3


Religious Studies 



Key Stage 4 

BTEC Pre-Vocational



