Medical appointments during school hours
Dear Parent/Carer,
Our students' progress, well-being, mental and physical health matters to us: therefore we understand the importance of appointments with professionals. We also understand that these can sometimes be difficult to get outside of school hours.
I know that your starting point will always be to try to make appointments out of school hours but, where this is unavoidable, please do still bring your child into school for the rest of the school day.
Where pupils miss a full school day, it breaks their routines and puts additional pressure on them to catch up on any missed work.
Where pupils are able to still attend part of the school day, they are able to still see their friends and to keep up with the majority of their learning, which is obviously best for them, both in terms of their wellbeing and academically.
Please note that we are required to ask for appointment cards/emails for any absences related to a medical appointment in order to authorise an absence. Where necessary, please report these absences through Class Charts, where you can also upload any supporting documents.
If you feel you would like to discuss individual cases, or to be referred to our student welfare team, do not hesitate to contact me.