Newsletter February 2024
A note from your Principal
Dear parent/carer
Welcome to our latest newsletter. It's now the end of the first half term and our pupils are ready for a break and a very busy few weeks, not least for our Year 11 pupils who have now finished their first two weeks of mock exams. Over the coming half term break, there are a lot of additional sessions available to Year 11 students to support their preparation for exams, but we also hope they will take a much needed break too. We wish them the best of luck as they enter the final week of exams the week after half term.
I want to thank all parents and carers for your patience with our switch to Arbor. We now have the vast majority of pupils and parents with access now and quickly becoming more familiar with all the features. We will continue to support those pupils and parents/carers who haven't been able to gain access yet, so that everyone has access to all the information they need and to support more effective communications via Arbor.
New Parent Governor
Following our recent ballot for a new parent governor, I can now announce that our newly elected parent governor will be Paul Davies. Paul will no doubt make a brilliant contribution to the Academy Governing Council (AGC). I would like to thank all candidates for their nominations and for our wider community for engaging in the ballot. Further details regarding Governance can be found on our website here.
Parking and Road Safety
I have previously written to you regarding parking at the end of the school day, which has presented some on-going safety concerns. I want to reiterate that parking on-site at the end of the day is for the taxis for pupils in The HIVE only. Any other pickups by parents and carers must be on the local roads please. This means that the car park and exits are kept as car free as possible for our students leaving the site. I think we can all agree that our students need to be kept as safe as possible and we all have responsibility to ensure this is the case. We are exploring plans for the installation of a barrier at the exit to Old Clough Lane in the future.
Year 9 Options
Our Year 9’s are about to begin the process of choosing their options for the next 2 years. If your child is in Year 9, we look forward to welcoming you to our Options Evening on the first Thursday after half term (29th February) from 4pm-7pm. This will be a great opportunity to hear how the Options process works and to hear more information about the courses on offer from subject leaders.
I hope you enjoy the newsletter and I wish you all a brilliant half term break.
Matt Hacker