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The Newsletter – 21st October 2021

Key Dates

Friday 1st – 31st October – Black History Month

Thursday 21st October – Finish for Half Term

Monday 1st November – Return to the Academy – Week 2

Monday 1st – 10th November 2021 – Year 11 Mock Exams

Week 1 or 2

1st November 2021 – Week 2

8th November 2021 – Week 1

15th November 2021 – Week 2

22nd November 2021 – Week 1

29th November 2021 – Week 2


Dear Parents/Carers,

Rewards and Successes

It’s the end of the first half term already and it’s been a very busy few weeks.

Most of our students have settled into great routines, fully focusing on their learning and making excellent progress as a result. It’s been good to see the recognition of students’ positive attitudes on ClassCharts. It’s also been great to see students being rewarded for having a ‘squeaky clean record’. This is recognition for all those who always work hard and do what matters most.

Each morning this week, our Modern Foreign Language superstars have also been recognised and rewarded with a special breakfast of croissants and pain au chocolat, washed down with some hot chocolate and marshmallows too. A huge well done to them all and to all the students that have started the year so well, setting themselves up for future success.

In this edition of the newsletter, you can read about some of the additional activities in and out of the Academy that support our students’ personal development. It’s been great to hear our students speaking with pride about their experiences and aspirations for the future, particularly when we’ve had external visitors, such as the visit from Rt Hon Justine Greening in the Academy.

We’ve also been running ‘Open Day Tours’ over the past week for prospective students and parents. It has been a genuine pleasure to take new families around the Academy to see our brilliant students learning in such a calm and focused way.


One day I will be able to write an introduction to a newsletter without mentioning COVID, but we’re not there quite yet!

Since we introduced face coverings four weeks ago, the weekly number of cases has halved. We have seen a slight increase in this final week of term, which is disappointing but perhaps reflective of the national increase.

We are not sure what the situation will be like after the break. Still, I would kindly ask that all families continue with lateral flow tests, especially before returning to the Academy on the 1st November 2021. If you are in any doubt or when typical symptoms are present, as always, we recommend a PCR test.

We have now received and are in the process of installing the DfE carbon dioxide monitors to track air quality in classrooms. We have prioritised classrooms with no windows and thankfully, even with full classes, the carbon dioxide levels have been good. This indicates that fresh air is being brought in through the ventilation system and, in so doing, keeping the concentration of any potential COVID-19 viruses low. We’ll continue to evaluate the risk in this way and, if needed, work with the site team to further improve the ventilation.

We’re looking forward to the second half term and the run up to Christmas. For now though, I know all students and staff will be looking forward to a well earned break, so my best wishes to you all for the week ahead.

Matt Hacker

Pastoral Focus – Written by Miss Hammond – Head of Year 8

Year 8 have made a very promising start to the current academic year and I am proud to be a part of their journey.  It has been lovely to see students using the entire site for lessons; Science in a laboratory & Design Technology in a workshop.  I am positive that your child will benefit immensely from learning in the correct spaces.  

I would now like Year 8 to spend some time over the half term break thinking about how they can enrich their time in the Academy by joining a club. We have a variety of extra-curricular activities on offer, from PE to Drama, Cadets to STEM Club. There is something for everyone and students should think about attending one or more activities.  

We have a variety of rewards initiatives running in the Academy at present; here is a round up of this half terms Year 8 winners:

Zero behaviour points raffle:

Rose 8HPA

Charlie 8HPA

Jake 8STA

Ellie-May 8JSA

Rose 8STA

Zero lates to lessons raffle:

Oliver 8UMO

Ways of Being Awards

Be Yourself Always – Kenn 8AMO

Show You Care – Ava 8ASI

Succeed Together – Asha 8LRI

Do What Matters Most – Ella 8RSN

What’s Going On
Black History Month Activities

As part of Black History Month, we ran several events for students.

On Thursday 14th October, students gathered with Mrs Schafer, Mr Simmons, and Mrs Meah to talk about how well we celebrate Black history throughout the year. They also gave their opinions about what we could do to improve our celebrations of Black history over the year.

Students also started to develop a ‘Proud to be’ badge. Staff already wear rainbow lanyards to show that Walkden is an inclusive school. The lanyards are a year-round reminder that our school supports LGBTQ+ individuals and that we are committed to promoting equality in our community. We hope that our ‘Proud to be’ badges will act in the same way, but will be even more special, as our students will design them.

Students were also invited to choose a selection of new books for the library with Mrs Joynson. These books are all written by British BAME authors. The students who chose them will have the privilege of being the first to read and review them for us.

Today, Food Technology students cooked up a storm, preparing a range of African cuisine which they served in the Atrium at lunchtime for other students to taste test. We hope to bring you pictures of this in our next newsletter.

Students were also asked to wear a red accessory to show their support for the charity ‘Show Racism The Red Card’ and parents/carers were asked to donate to the charity via Parent Pay.

Advanced notice: Anti-Bullying Week

The 15th – 19th November marks the Anti-Bullying Alliances annual ‘Anti-bullying week and we are promoting it again. Students will have an assembly introducing the theme of ‘One Kind Word’. We will also be holding three events that students can get involved in:

  • Odd Socks Week – During the week, we will be encouraging our students to wear odd socks. This is to show that our students are not afraid to be different and that they feel that they can be themselves, always. Students and parents/carers are encouraged to snap their socks and share the picture on social media, tagging us in @WalkdenCoop, #antibullyingweek2021 and #BeingCoop.
  • Anti-Bullying Pioneers Awards – Do you know someone who has stood up to bullying? Do you know someone who has offered a kind word to someone in need? Then you can nominate them for a ‘Walkden Anti-Bullying Pioneer Award’. Students, staff, and parents/carers will be encouraged to nominate their ‘Pioneers’ via a google form link during Anti-Bullying Week. All students nominated will receive a certificate from their Head of Year and they will be recognised as a pioneer.
  • One Kind Word – Students will receive a postcard in form. They will be asked to fill in ‘one kind word’ to send to another student or member of staff in the Academy. We hope that the kind words will make the recipient’s day!

Extra-Curricular Timetables

Our extra-curricular timetable is now on the website. You can find it here.

The extra-curricular timetable will be updated each half term, so keep checking back to make sure you are up-to-date with what we offer.

Key Stage 4 Music Trip – Written by Ms Carney – Head of Music

GCSE Music students visited the Bridgewater Hall last week to watch the Halle Orchestra’s performance of ‘Orchestra Through the Ages’

This concert is specifically for GCSE and A-Level students so they can hear the music that they study performed by a live orchestra.

As well as the Orchestra, students from the RNCM performed solos including a very unusual solo performed on the traditional Hungarian instrument the cimbalom.

The students all had an excellent afternoon and really enjoyed the performance. 

European Day of Languages – Written by Mrs Taylor, MFL Teacher.

The European Day of Languages went really well. Students were so keen to donate to Unicef that next year, we plan to sell more pastries and raise even more cash!

A big thank you to form tutors and tutees. Everyone got involved and I was thrilled to receive so many lovely emails and responses to our form time quiz.

We had 30 pupils come up to Global at lunch to take part in the activities and it was fantastic to see them so involved.

Currently, I am working through marking the quizzes and prizes will be given out after half term. We will bring you more news of the winners in the next edition of the newsletter.

Year 9 Theatre Performance – Odd Arts

On the 20th October, during registration and Period 1, all Year 9 students were involved in a mental health drama workshop.

The workshop was created and led by Odd Arts and was called ‘Spiralling Minds’.

Students were actively involved with games, discussion, and the direction of a professional performance.

A huge thank you to Odd Arts for such an impactful and thought provoking workshop.

Last night STEM club had over 30 students attend. They were practicing their use of dissection tools on pumpkins in a Halloween themed session!

Science staff finished the session with some spooky flame tests to produce different coloured flames.


Girls Out loud

The ‘Girls Out Loud‘ Programme is new to Walkden for this year, but it is long-anticipated, with us signing up to it just before lockdown. 

The programme has seen 20 of our Year 9 girls getting a ‘big sister’ – a business mentor – who will work with them over the next year. They will also participate in workshops that will develop their self-esteem, focus on internet safety and relationships, and see students participate in mindfulness. They will visit companies, such as the Co-op headquarters.

‘Girls Out Loud’ aims to “empower girls to channel their potential and make better life choices” (

On 12th October 2021, our Year 9 girls were paired with their ‘big sister’ for the first time! Our girls received goodie bags filled with treats from their ‘big sisters’, such as journals, skincare products, and sweets.

The Year 9 girls got to have some time with their new mentors, talking about what they wanted to get from the programme. At the end of their initial meeting, we caught up with three of our girls to see what they thought:

Ellen said of the initial meeting, “It was really fun. It’s something different and it’s really helpful. It’s helpful because I don’t have siblings at home so if I want to talk to someone I know I can turn to my ‘big sister’.”

Katie said, “It’s great to have someone to talk to. You can tell her anything and she won’t judge you!”

Jasmine said, “It was inspirational, they were great to talk to and I think they will be really helpful!”

Justine Greening Visit

On 6th October 2021, we had the pleasure of welcoming Rt Hon. Justine Greening, Former MP for Putney and Secretary of State for Education between 2016-18.

Greening left parliament in 2019 and now campaigns for social mobility and equality of opportunity. She visited Co-op Academy Walkden to speak to governors, senior leaders, and students about two successful projects that promote social mobility at Walkden – ‘Girls Out Loud‘ and the Combined Cadets Programme. 

The Combined Cadets Force is in it’s 3rd year and it’s going stronger than ever! 

Mr Mangas Assistant Principal: Personal Development, said, “The new academic year has seen us welcome nearly 50 new Year 8 recruits to the Combined Cadet Force, pushing our numbers up to 90 Cadets across all year groups. The CCF is a perfect example of inclusion and our commitment towards narrowing the gap in advantaged and disadvantaged students. 20% of cadets are SEND students, and 30% are Pupil premium, above the school averages.” 

As well as speaking to students at Co-op Academy Walkden, Justine Greening also met with Ian Burchett, Chief Education Officer at Co-op Academies Trust, our Principal, and some of our governors to talk about the strategic role the trust and the governors take in promoting social mobility.

Matt Hacker, Principal, said, “We were delighted to welcome Justine Greening to the Academy. It was great to hear her thoughts on social mobility, and learn about the work she has done in the past and her thoughts for the future. It was also good to be able to share with her the excellent work that goes on here at Walkden and within the wider trust”.

ESOL Team at Salford Council – Parent Questionnaire

The Skills and Work ESOL team at Salford City Council are trying to learn about the problems and barriers Salford parents and communities have where their first language is not English. They also want to find out about your interests and the things that you would like to do in the community to help develop your language skills and improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing. 

  • Are you new to Salford?
  • Do you have a language barrier?
  • Do you want to learn or improve your English?
  • Do you want to meet other people and make friends?
  • Do you have problems in making appointments with doctors and hospitals by yourself?
  • Do you want to learn skills to access help and other support services in Salford independently? 

If your answer is ‘yes’ to most of these questions, please complete this survey. You can get help to answer these questions from your friends or family.

Deadline: Please complete this survey by 31st October 2021.

Do you want English classes? 

You can apply for an assessment for ESOL (English as a Second Language course) via (If you live in Salford, you must click ‘Salford’).

Do you want to improve your English speaking skills?

To apply for Talk English conversation classes, click here.

For any queries or questions about this survey or ESOL, please email

Student Success

A focus on our 2021 leavers success

On GCSE results day, we caught up with some of our students to ask them about their time at Walkden and celebrate their exciting prospects. In this edition, we want to shine a light on the success of Arjun and Joy.

What grades did you get?

I got five grade 9s, three Grade 8s, one grade 7, and one grade 6.

Well done! You must be pleased! What’s next for you?

I am going to Winstanley College to study A-levels in History, English, and something else; I am not sure of my third subject yet.

And after that?

I want to go to university and study for a degree.

What has been the best bit about being a Co-op Academy Walkden student?

I think the best thing about being at Co-op Academy Walkden has been making new amazing friends. The staff are lovely, they have always been nice to me.

What piece of advice would you give to our new Year 7 students?

Make sure you concentrate on the work but don’t forget to have fun!

What piece of advice would you give to the Year 10 students who have just started their GCSE studies?

Don’t stress too much! Revise well.

What grades did you get?

I got seven grade 9s, two grade 8s, and two distinction stars.

Well done! You must be pleased! What’s next for you?

I am going to go to Winstanley College to study A-levels in biology, psychology, and PE.

And after that?

After college, I hope to pursue my career in football or be a sports science coach.

What has been the best bit about being a Co-op Academy Walkden student?

The best bit has been the support from my teachers and my friends. I love this school as it’s done so much for me. I want to thank the teachers for their support over the five years, both in and outside the classroom. It has meant so much to me.

What piece of advice would you give to our new Year 7 students?

Be yourself and start as you mean to go on. It will make everything easier for you in the long run.

What piece of advice would you give to the Year 10 students who have just started their GCSE studies?

Start revising early!

Mini Marathon Success

A huge well done to Marissa and Sophia who took part in the London mini marathon on Sunday 3rd October 2021.

They were selected to represent the North West, with only six under 15 girls being chosen in total.

They came in 37 and 38th crossing the finish line together at the same time.

Well done to both of you!

Great North Run Junior Success

Well done Jasmine, in Year 9, who ran in the Great North Run Junior and came third.

You are a superstar!

Well done.

Language Stars

This week, Mr Ribot, Head of MFL, has been celebrating the success of some of our students. The MFL team have chosen their ‘Language Stars’ for this half term. These students have been treated to a continental breakfast of croissants, pain au chocolate, and chocolat chaud.

Well done to all of our students who have been rewarded for doing what matters most!

Ways of Being Success

On Friday 15th October 2021, some of our staff attended the Co-op Academies Trust annual awards evening.

The awards evening celebrates staff from across the trust who have shown the ways of being in their work.

One of our Science teachers, Mr Green, brought home an award for Walkden! Mr Green received an award for showing the value ‘Show you care’. He received the award for going above and beyond in his promotion of STEM education.

Well done Mr Green for the well deserved win, and well done to all the other staff who were nominated.

Sporting Success – Written by Mr Tobutt – Teacher of PE

The season is well and truly up and running with our football teams competing in the Salford Schools’ Cup and Greater Manchester Schools’ Cup.

Firstly, both our Year 7A and B teams have had their first competitive fixtures with mixed results. Our A team defeated Swinton 4-0 whilst our B team suffered a 3-1 defeat to Ellesmere Park. Both teams have two remaining group fixtures – with these scheduled for after the half term holiday.

In fixtures against Salford City Academy and St Ambrose Barlow, our Year 8B team produced two contrasting performances – losing 4-2 on the road to Salford City Academy before producing a battling performance to draw 1-1 at home to St Ambrose. These results will mean the boys compete in the Salford Schools’ Plate competition in the new year.

Our Year 9A team continued their unbeaten campaign in the Salford Schools’ Cup with two more victories in the space of a week against Albion and Buile Hill. Well done boys!

In the last week of half term, our Year 9B team will begin their season with fixtures against Salford City Academy and Ellesmere Park.

In Year 10, our A and B teams have enjoyed victories in their respective groups. 10A produced an impressive performance on the road at Albion to win 9-1. The County Cup tie against Irlam, originally scheduled for Monday 11th October 2021 will now be played on Wednesday 20th October 2021, with the winners facing a tie against Reddish Vale from Stockport.

Our 10B team also produced a good performance to defeat Salford City Academy 5-2.

Both Year 11A and B teams are awaiting their next Salford Schools’ fixtures – I will hopefully be able to report on these in the next newsletter.

Rugby action should return after the half term holiday with festivals for our Year 10/11 squad and Year 9 squad pencilled in for the beginning of November.

Unfortunately, the intended Year 7 Netball fixture against St Ambrose was postponed. The Year 9 Netball team have had their first rally on Monday 18th October at St Patrick’s. I will hopefully be able to report on these in the next newsletter too.

That’s all for this edition – thanks to all students for their continued effort and contributions to school sport #SucceedTogether.

Academy Snapshot

We can’t believe it’s the end of our first half term! Where has that time gone?! We asked two students and two members of staff on the best thing that has happened to them this half term, and this is what they said…

“Being back in the drama studio and being able to teach drama and theatre the way it should be! It was great to see the students’ faces light up when they walked in!”

Mr Booth, Teacher of Drama

“The best thing is that you can tell that everyone is grateful to be back in more normal routines, both staff and students.”

Mr Duncalf, Cover Supervisor

“I’ve really enjoyed learning about the topic we have been studying in English. We’ve got to learn about real life things! I love to write too and so I enjoy English.”

Kyan, Year 8

“I’ve enjoyed not being in bubbles and zones anymore! I’ve enjoyed this because it’s meant that we can use specialist equipment in lessons.”

Ruby, Year 10

Literacy Corner – Written by Mrs Shannon – Teaching Assistant.

New Books in the LRC 

Some fantastic new books have been added to the Learning Resource Centre recently. Here’s a small selection of non-fiction texts added, which could prove invaluable to your child’s education. All of the books can be borrowed from the LRC.

Fantastically Great Women Scientists And Their Stories, by Kate Pankhurst.

Click here to find out more about this book.

Word of the Week 

This half term, we’re introducing a further six words to the students via word of the week. We encourage the students to engage with the word of the week by setting activities.

Our words of the week for this fortnight are:

  1. Compare – to estimate, measure or note the difference or similarity between two or more things
  2. Contrast – to compare in such a way as to emphasize the differences.

We’d encourage parents and carers to talk about these words and encourage their child to use them in conversation and their work.

Maths Puzzle – Provided by Mrs Meah – Maths Teacher

An apple gives 20ml of juice and an orange 35ml of juice. A drink needs apple juice:orange juice in a 1:5 ratio. How many of each fruit do you need to get 300ml of juice drink?

Email your answer to and we will give you a shout out next newsletter.

Well done again to Connor in Year 9 who got the answer first time! The answer to the last maths puzzle was 30 degrees.

Celebrate Success

Has your child done something amazing inside or outside the Academy?

Why not get in touch and let us know about it?

We want to feature our students’ successes in the newsletter and let our community celebrate with you.

Email success stories and feedback to

Got feedback about the newsletter? Let us know at the same address!

We always appreciate your feedback.

Have a fantastic weekend!